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DOGA Netball Team Entering its 20th Year

It was with great pride that the DOGA Netball Team held a party on 11th May 2019 to celebrate DOGA Netball entering into its 20th anniversary. Over the years, our players demonstrated sportsmanship and passion in numerous competitions and were rewarded with medals and recognition from the netball community. We are grateful to Anna Wong for establishing the DOGA Netball Team in 2000 and also for sponsoring the celebration party. Players from different generations, including the first DOGA Netball Team players, were present at the event to cherish good memories with the netball family. At the party, the team also made a donation to LOVE 21 Foundation, which is a charity dedicated to bettering the lives of Hong Kong Down syndrome and autism patients through physical activity and nutrition.

DOGA Netball Team party to celebrate the team entering its 20th year


Members of the current DOGA Netball Team


Members of the first generation DOGA Netball Team